Children with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) .. cont

Children with Acquired Brain Injury ( ABI ) are often an overlooked group, particularly in Mainstream schools.

Attached is an article just published by Cath Bate and Colleagues. Cath was part of a group of Teachers in Surrey , that I led through school focused, inquiry based projects a few years ago . She has gone on from that experience to study for an MSc, and deepen her knowledge and insight in this field.

This is a rare gem of an article, offering some rich insights.

It was recently published in JORSEN.

ADHD in Girls – Fintan O’Regan

There is growing interest in how ADHD may present itself in girls. As with Autism , there are gender related issues and profiles linked to the social biology of the brain.

This short overview article by Fintan O’Regan, offers some valuable insights and useful  observational starting points for the classroom teacher.